I recently saw a post somewhere that showed the internals of one of the newer high end Drobo machines. Â It appeared to use the same motherboard as the Drobo Pro I have sitting here on my desk gathering dust so I decided to take another look at what I could do with the thing. Â I …
Category Archives: Linux
VMWare or Parallels?
Since Parallels released the new version of their Mac virtualization software recently and it reportedly works under OS X Yosemite (10.10), I decided to give it a go. Â Converting my Linux VMs was a breeze, but converting my Windows 7 VM wasn’t as much fun. Â The Windows VM converted perfectly, Windows itself on the other …
Raspberry Pi
I just got an email that seems to suggest that I may have one on the way via DHL Express 🙂 YAY!
DeltaSync HU01 decompression code released
I have released an initial version of the DeltaSync HU01 decompression routine on github. See https://github.com/dparnell/hu01 for the code It is AWFUL code, but it seems to work.
After a bit of playing about I’ve got my water level sensor working 🙂 I’m using Munin to log the data coming back from the unit attached to the sensor. The unit is overkill for my needs, but since I had it lying about here and I didn’t want to spend anything to do this job …
MMKeys songbird plugin
I’ve been insanely busy the last few months. I’ve recently changed jobs and had to go overseas to meet the client so have not had as much time to work on things such as my HTTPMail plugin 🙁 Anyway, today I got an email saying there was a new version of Sonbird (a really nice …
OSX 10.5, Time Machine and Linux shared drived
I’ve been playing with Leopard over the last couple of days and just now figured out how to get Time Machine to work with unsupported shared drives (such as those shared by netatalk). defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 What this seems to do is to create a sparse disk image on the shared drive, then …
Continue reading “OSX 10.5, Time Machine and Linux shared drived”
ccTrayRb is now a rubyforge project
My first rubyforge project 🙂Go to http://rubyforge.org/projects/cctrayrb/ for the latest version of ccTrayRb from now on.
CruiseControlRb tray icon for Linux
We installed CruiseControlRb at work recently and we’re all really enjoying it 🙂 The web interface works really nicely, but I wanted more. Under Windows there is a really neat little tool called cctray which shows the status of your build in the system tray. I did a bit of searching about the net and …
mmkeys plugin v0.2 for Songbird
I’ve made a small change to the plugin which fixes a problem where Songbird would crash on startup when this plugin was installed on a machine where the multimedia keys were not available. mmkeys 0.2 source mmkeys 0.2 plugin