MMKeys songbird plugin

I’ve been insanely busy the last few months. I’ve recently changed jobs and had to go overseas to meet the client so have not had as much time to work on things such as my HTTPMail plugin 🙁
Anyway, today I got an email saying there was a new version of Sonbird (a really nice music player for Linux, OS X and another popular OS that I wont name here 😉 ). Quite some time ago I wrote a plugin for Songbird to get the multimedia keys on my keyboard working, unfortunately upgrades to both Songbird and Ubuntu seemed to break the plugin but I’d not had much of a chance to look into it. Today I decided to have a quick look and see what I could see. The result is a new version of the plugin that seems to work for me 🙂
I’ll be posting the source to my git repository as soon as I can some time 😉

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  1. Hi Daniel,
    I installed the HTTPMail plug in recently and it is working great ! I am so excited about it and already deleted Entourage on my Macbook Pro and iMac, however I noticed today that the plug in is not working with Time Machine. I am not sure if this is already reported elswere. Do you think you can make a quick fix for this or is it a seriuos problem and needs more time ? I hope you can look in to this !

    Keep up the good work !


  2. Hey Daniel,

    Ever since 10.5.2 httpmail is endlessly loading while running under Mail. It is a serious problem and consuming lots of CPU cycles, also causing instability in other parts of OS. Please fix it ASAP… thank you!!

  3. Daniel,
    Firstly Thanks for taking the time to write and fine tune HTTPMail plug-in, the plug-in great it reads the mail from Hotmail then shows them READ! If I leave my mail open and don’t turn off the computer the HTTPMail plug-in works perfectly, but if I turn off mail, and or my computer it goes and gets the same e-mails again and again. I not sure of all the tech stuff with Leopard, yet before this update all was prefect in my Hotmail world.
    Now it is near perfect, I just wanted to describe what has been happening. If and when you get sometime can you look into this.
    Thanks again for all your hard work.

  4. Daniel,

    You should put up a paypal donations link. At least let the world buy you a beer for your efforts!


  5. Hey Daniel,

    I hope this is the right place to get answers or solutions. I have tried posting before but perhaps I wasn’t here on the current blog.

    My issues are as follows. G4 Laptop Running 10.4.11. HttpPluggin 1.49

    For some reason within the last month or so, the runs through it’s motions. If I have any of my http mail boxes highlighted while retrieving mail, then all the mail shows up in the viewer window and I can read the downloaded emails. If by chance no http mail box is selected, then it will show that it has retrieved mail into the http folders, but as soon as I highlight any of the http mailboxes showing new messages, all messages DISAPPEAR! I have to constantly rebuild the mailbox only to have it repeat the same thing in an endless loop. It is driving me nuts!!!!!!!

    I really can’t afford to upgrade to Leopard at this time and I could really use this plugin to be working correctly . I have tried any and all of the various suggestions that I have found here withing your blogs 9even though no one has said they have the exact same problem), but nothing works at all.

    Any insight or help you can give me on this would be an amazing blessing. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. Trashed prefs, caches…you name it. I have no idea why all of a sudden it has stooped working. I cannot remember if there was an upgrade between the one I am using now and the 1.46 from my Panther machine as I think it occurred after an update. I just found the 1.47 and 1.48 I will try and see if they work.

    Sorry one more thing. The doesn’t seem to want to remember any of the http preferences. YOu can set them and if you quit mail and reopen all the changes made revert.

    Best wshes and thank for a great product.


  6. Could you post a link to the source code of MMKeys? I would like to recompile it on X86_64

  7. Hi,

    I grabbed a snapshot of the source for your MMKeys plugin from the web interface to your git repository and have been attempting to compile it on X86_64 on Ubuntu 8.04.

    It took me a little while to install all the dependency packages but now that’s done I get the following error when I run make:

    $ make
    gcc -Wall -Os -o -include mozilla-config.h -DXPCOM_GLUE -I ../xulrunner-sdk//include -I ../xulrunner-sdk//include/xpcom -I ../xulrunner-sdk//include/nspr -I ../xulrunner-sdk//include/string -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -shared MMKeys.cpp MMKeysModule.cpp -L ../xulrunner-sdk//lib -lxpcomglue_s -lnspr4 -lplds4 -lX11 -ldbus-glib-1 -ldbus-1 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
    MMKeysModule.cpp: In function ‘nsresult NSGetModule(nsIComponentManager*, nsIFile*, nsIModule**)’:
    MMKeysModule.cpp:16: error: ‘NS_NewGenericModule2’ was not declared in this scope
    make: *** [build] Error 1

    Any thoughts? Have I got an incorrect version of a dependency maybe?


  8. I wish there was a mac version of this plugin… The new flat mac keyboards and macbooks have multimedia buttons as well… Would it be a lot of work to port this? I’m not a developer but willing to learn 🙂

  9. Just installed MMKeys in SongBird 1.0.0. Running on Fedora 9 (uname -r I noticed that when SongBird restarted I am constantly getting the following error:
    WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMediaItem) failed: file /home/steven/sbird/trunk/extensions/notifyme/components/sbINotifyMeService/src/sbNotifyMeService.cpp, line 220

    I also am unable to set preferences for MMKey. The button is there but is inactive (grayed out) so you can only Deactivate or Uninstall.

  10. Yep, I run into similar problems. Although I don’t expect the plugin to have a preference page. The keys should work out of the box, by using the symbolic names for the multimedia keys.

    So, any news? Would love to replace my current player and this is a killer feature for me! 🙂

  11. Hi,
    i have ubuntu 8.04 and songbird 1.0 and multimedia buttons doesnt work for me, while in the Rhythmbox/Exaile it works well… I Would like to have these buttons;)

  12. Hello. I’m using a Dell inspiron 6400 with Ubuntu 8.04 OS, and songbird (v 1.1.1 b2) app. The Multimedia Keys on notebook doesn’t work… How can i install that mmkeysPlugin.js plugin?

  13. Hi,

    Is this possible to add “delete now played file from hard drive” hotkey button?

  14. Hello can you please indicate me where i can find the last source code version of this plugin. As on the Songbird page it is version 0.7. And here the last i can find is 0.2. I just need to recompile it for 64 bits.

    Best Regards Eric

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