The Leopard version of my HTTPMail plugin for Mail can be downloaded from here. Please note that as with any first release with a new version of OS X things may not be as stable as I would like. It works on my machine 😉 I have updated the documentation to show screen shots from …
Tag Archives: Leopard
Almost there!
Yesterday I got account editing working, and tonight’s effort sees sending working. It is still not possible to create new accounts, but that is something for another time. It’s almost midnight and I’m going to be woken up at some time around 3 or 4 am by the little one for a feed so I’d …
HTTPMail Plugin and Leopard
Tonight I’ve had some success with getting the plugin working under Leopard. It still isn’t ready for public consumption, however it is coming along nicely. Currently if a httpmail account is already configured it will connect to the Hotmail servers and successfully download the messages. Unfortunately sub-folders aren’t quite working yet, nor is creation of …
OSX 10.5, Time Machine and Linux shared drived
I’ve been playing with Leopard over the last couple of days and just now figured out how to get Time Machine to work with unsupported shared drives (such as those shared by netatalk). defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 What this seems to do is to create a sparse disk image on the shared drive, then …
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