This evening, I noticed that an application running in a cluster of machines I look after was behaving oddly. It was using huge amounts of RAM and then crashing. What made this even more unusual was the fact that the code was written in Elixir and had been in production use for several years without …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Common Lisp, OpenGL and CEPL
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours playing with Common Lisp and OpenGL. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to play like this and I had a good time. I really need to do it more often 😉 I’ve been watching the CEPL videos on youtube for a while and wanted to …
I’ve been making some apps recently.  One for the new Windows 8 modern UI and one for iOS using swift.  One was a joy to code, the other was not 😉 Swift is an interesting language and I look forward to writing more code in it.  C# is also a nice language, however writing code …
My boy has died
For those who have been following my blog for a while will know that my son has (had) an incurable disease.  On Wednesday he finally succumbed.
This made me smile
It’s alive!
I spent a little time on my lunch break putting in the last few wires and the board has come up 🙂 The flash from my phone has drowned out the LEDs on the board, but they were blinking as they should. Since I didn’t have another voltage regulator handy I have used the voltage …
Over the weekend I replaced the leaking inlet valve of our toilet. What should have been a 5 minute job took a couple of days as whoever installed it in the first place glued the nut joining the inlet pipe to the inlet valve. This meant that I had to cut the inlet valve out …
Strange smells
A while ago I came home to a strange smell in the house, then a little while later I found this!
I’ve been looking into making some software with my daughter. She wants to make a game with some characters she has drawn, so I need a nice way to render them. I want to make them using vector graphics, but iOS doesn’t really have a nice way of doing that. What I am in the …
It is alive again
I got another email from the awesome tech support guys at Drobo this morning asking about my DroboPro. I told them it had died again and they offered to replace it rather cheaply, they also suggested that both batteries might need to be replaced rather than just the CR2032 coin cell. I removed the main …