VMWare or Parallels?

Since Parallels released the new version of their Mac virtualization software recently and it reportedly works under OS X Yosemite (10.10), I decided to give it a go.  Converting my Linux VMs was a breeze, but converting my Windows 7 VM wasn’t as much fun.  The Windows VM converted perfectly, Windows itself on the other hand decided it needed to re-authorize.  Once I sorted all that mess out (another story for another time), I was able to get back to work.

So far I’m pleased with the performance of Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac.  It seems to be running better than when I was using VMWare Fusion 6.0.  I don’t have any solid numbers on this, but the fans in my Mac seem to not run as often under Parallels.  Booting my main Linux VM is almost instantaneous, and my Windows 7 VM seems to be running really well 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. I wonder if it will run on my systems here Daniel. It is something to look into some time.

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