Titanium Appcelerator == yuck

After spending considerable time recently working on a fairly simple iOS app using Titanium Appcelerator I have come to the conclusion that I am never going to use it again if I can avoid it.  The app size isn’t too much of a problem, but the fact that even this simple app crashes on startup …


I have been looking for this video for ages! http://blip.tv/tucs-tech-talks/an-illustrated-history-of-failure-2729174 I saw it some time ago and it was amazing.  The content is great, but more importantly it show how to give a presentation using powerpoint that actually works!

JRuby, Rails and Development mode

Well, that was fun…  I spent quite a bit of time today beating my head against a “memory leak” only to remember that JRuby + Rails + Development mode = very leaky.  Switch to production mode and the problem goes away. A simple little Rails app with one controller and one model is all that …

DeltaSync decompression progress

After quite some time I finally have some code that seems to decompress the message data returned from Windows Live via the DeltaSync protocol. The code is AWFUL, but the results are looking pretty good. X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtTQ0w9MA== X-Message-Status: n:0 X-SID-PRA: Daniel Parnell <me@danielparnell.com> X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jHVrAq/T4xfKLLpTvwPwE0t6g/vyq6tyzbqln5iNnXwcSMg41wQCSulCxd5N8UB57Lq6un/ug7i0YsGX30yo+pm Received: from randymail-a4.g.dreamhost.com ([]) by bay0-mc8-f11.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668); Thu, …

What I’ve been up to lately

I’ve been really busy recently and have not had much time to work on my side projects. One that I’ve been working on off and on for some time is a networked PIC micro-controller. This morning I finally got it responding to ICMP echo request (ping) πŸ™‚ The next thing I need to do is …

What I’ve been doing recently

Today I found out that an application I built for the iPhone has become available on the iTunes store.  It’s a simple little app to estimate electricity bills for a household.  Check it out on the iTunes store via the following link πŸ™‚ AGL Energy Efficiency I’ve also been working on the Windows Live Mail compression code some more and have gotten some good results.  Below in an example of what I’m getting X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtTQ0w9MA== X-Message-Status: n:0 X-SID-PRA: Daniel Parnell …