I’ve been playing around with my old DroboPro and in the process managed to frag the uBoot config rendering the unit basically useless as the vxWorks side didn’t boot the special disk applications required for correction function. Â Fortunately I have another Drobo, in this case a Drobo FS. Â I was able to disassemble that (I …
Author Archives: daniel
Drobo Pro/FS
After working through it a bit more it appears that the problem is actually in the Drobo Dashboard. Â For some reason it is refusing to show the “Drobo ProFS”. Â I loaded up the 1.8.4 version of the Drobo Dashboard and it sees the unit just fine but doesn’t allow much to be configured. Â Maybe I …
Breathing new life into my Drobo Pro
I recently saw a post somewhere that showed the internals of one of the newer high end Drobo machines. Â It appeared to use the same motherboard as the Drobo Pro I have sitting here on my desk gathering dust so I decided to take another look at what I could do with the thing. Â I …
Titanium Appcelerator == yuck
After spending considerable time recently working on a fairly simple iOS app using Titanium Appcelerator I have come to the conclusion that I am never going to use it again if I can avoid it. Â The app size isn’t too much of a problem, but the fact that even this simple app crashes on startup …
VMWare or Parallels?
Since Parallels released the new version of their Mac virtualization software recently and it reportedly works under OS X Yosemite (10.10), I decided to give it a go. Â Converting my Linux VMs was a breeze, but converting my Windows 7 VM wasn’t as much fun. Â The Windows VM converted perfectly, Windows itself on the other …
I finished another PIC32 proto board
It is a lot smaller that my previous one and fits better into the breadboard 🙂 I think I have also figured out why many of my PIC32 projects were crashing randomly. Â It appears I was setting the oscillator up incorrectly which was causing the lower spec PIC32MX2xx to try to run at the same …
Swift Parser Generation
I’ve been fascinated by the Scala language since I first saw it. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to use Scala in a couple of projects. One of the parts of the Scala standard library I really like is the parser combinator stuff. Â I’ve been spending a bit of time recently playing with some …
The first stage of my port of pegged to Swift is successful :)
I have managed to get the Objective-C version of pegged to spit out a parser using Swift rather than Objective-C 🙂 It’s getting late, so I really should get some sleep. I finally figured out what was causing the compiler to crash. Â The following code will crash the Swift compiler unless the inout parameter to …
Continue reading “The first stage of my port of pegged to Swift is successful :)”
Swift compiler is crashing for me :(
I’ve been spending a bit of time having a play with Apple’s Swift. Â So far I find the language to be interesting. It seems to be missing a few things. Â Working with strings is a real pain 🙁 Â Hopefully this will be fixed in later versions of the language/compiler. I’m also hitting many problems with …
Apples Swift Langauge
I’ve been playing with the new language from Apple called Swift. Â It looks like it might be interesting, especially if they open it up so it can be used on other platforms. I’ve whipped up a little test app that includes a nicer way to work with NSTimer objects from Swift as the usual way …