It is a lot smaller that my previous one and fits better into the breadboard 🙂 I think I have also figured out why many of my PIC32 projects were crashing randomly. Â It appears I was setting the oscillator up incorrectly which was causing the lower spec PIC32MX2xx to try to run at the same …
Tag Archives: pic32
PIC32 Prototyping
I’ve been thinking for a while that prototyping stuff with the DIP PIC32 parts should be easier, so I built something over the weekend to make that a reality. Instead of this: I can now start with this: It is just the bare minimum to get a DIP PIC32 part up and running with USB …
I wanted to play Turrican 2 the other day so I fired up an Amiga emulator, but playing it via the keyboard really wasn’t cutting it, so I broke out a USB game pad I had floating around the place. Â That also didn’t feel quite right 🙁 Â What I needed was an old Atari style …