The joys of coding with a child on your lap

Well, for one you can only do it one handed! Also you have to be ready for sudden lunges towards the keyboard. Bang bang bang go the keys. Oops a wrong click or an inopportune Enter and say goodbye to all that work. Still it is nice for the little one to see what Daddy does all …

The cocoa rendering system is really nice

For a secret project I’m currently working on I needed to make a NSTextView that resized its contents so that it was always fully visible regardless of how many lines of text were in there. Coding something like that under Windows would have been pretty awful (especially since the text needs to still be editable), …

Accessing the string and attribute data in a NSTextView

NSTextView stores its data in a NSTextStorage object. NSTextStorage descends from NSMutableAttributed string, so that gives us a clue. The easiest thing to do is to make a category on the NSAttributedString class to do whatever it is you want containing something like the following.      NSRange range;      int i;      int L = [self length];                  i = 0;      while(i<L) …