I went to all the trouble of adding code to allow for different fonts and colours and such. I tested it on my local machine against WordPress 1.5x and it all worked perfectly. Then I tried to make a post here where I’m running WordPress 2.0 and found that it stripped out all the lovely colours.
After a bit of poking about on the net I found that this is a bug in the 2.0 WordPress code base and as since been fixed in the 2.0.1 release. So after a quick update of the code…. Here we are.
// BlogAPI.h
// BlogThing
// Created by Daniel Parnell on 28/01/06.
// Copyright 2006 Automagic Software. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface BlogAPI : NSObject {
NSURL* url;
NSString* username;
NSString* password;
+ (BlogAPI*) blogAPIWithURL:(NSURL*)aURL username:(NSString*)aUsername andPassword:(NSString*)aPassword;
+ (NSString*) describeBlogError:(NSDictionary*)errorInfo;
– (id) initWithURL:(NSURL*)aURL username:(NSString*)aUsername andPassword:(NSString*)aPassword;
– (void) setUsername:(NSString*)aUsername;
– (NSString*) username;
– (void) setPassword:(NSString*)aPassword;
– (NSString*) password;
– (void) setURL: (NSURL*)aURL;
– (NSArray*) getCategoryList;
– (int) newPost: (NSString*)aTitle withBody: (NSString*)aBody andDateTime:(NSDate*) aDateTime shouldPublish:(BOOL)flag;
– (BOOL) setCategories: (NSArray*)theCategories forPost: (int)aPostId;
– (NSString*) upload: (NSData*)data withName: (NSString*)name;
If I held you any closer I would be on the other side of you — Groucho Marx