OS X 10.5.6

As many people are aware Apple released Mac OS X 10.5.6 yesterday.  Unfortunately this broke the HttpMail plugin πŸ™  After a little bit of poking around I found and fixed the problem.  The result is a new release of the plugin 1.53.  

Head on over to my downloads site at http://www.automagic-software.com/
Now, for a status report on Windows Live Mail reverse engineering.  I am still making progress.  I’m not getting as much time to work on it as I would like these days due to having two small children πŸ˜‰  If anybody wants to donate a copy of the Hex-Rays decompiler then I imagine things would progress much faster πŸ˜‰

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  1. Hey,
    I was really hoping this would work for me, the intallation and all worked well but when I try to put my hotmail mailbox in mail online i get the following msg.:
    Connection Failure
    Could not connect to ‘Hotmail’
    Access to Hotmail via Outlook and Outlook Express now requires a subscription. Please sign up at http://join.msn.com/general/Email

    Do I have to pay or is there a way around it???

  2. The current download for HTTPmail is gone, has anyone found a mirror of 1.53? It’s no where to be found anywhere on the site πŸ™

  3. Thanks for your great pluggin it was great !!!
    sadly it doesnt work with snow leopard πŸ™

    Thanks again for your great work
    All the best,


  4. Will there be a new plug in that works with Snow Leopard? Thank you very much for previous plugins!!


  5. Daniel…. You Rock… thank you very much, I really appreciate your work. Will be checking soon for the updated file. Have been working great with the past versions.

    Take care…. and don´t give up….

  6. Hey, I have tiger 10.5.8

    Here is the solution for using your hotmail account on mail, entourage, outlook and other software.

    POP server: pop3.live.com (Port 995)
    POP SSL required? Yes
    User name: Your Windows Live ID, for example yourname@hotmail.com
    Password: The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live
    SMTP server: smtp.live.com (Port 25)
    Authentication required? Yes (this matches your POP username and password)
    TLS/SSL required? Yes

    Good Luck.

  7. Oh my god I feel so noob right now… I want to install it but i can’t find the installer ! Anyone can help me..

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