I’ve been playing with the Cocoa WebKit over the last week or so and have rewritten my blogThing application to use it. So far I’m quite pleased with the way things are coming along 🙂
//Â DPKeychain.h
//Â iSpeak
//Â Created by Daniel Parnell on 26/07/04.
//Â Copyright 2004 Daniel Parnell. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <Security/Security.h>
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
@interface DPKeychain : NSObject {
  SecKeychainRef keychain;
+ (DPKeychain*) defaultKeychain;
+ (DPKeychain*) keychainWithPath: (NSString*) aPath;
– (DPKeychain*) initWithPath: (NSString*) aPath;
– (void) setPassword: (NSString*)aPassword forName: (NSString*) aName andService: (NSString*) aService;
– (NSString*) getPasswordForName: (NSString*) aName andService: (NSString*) aService;
– (bool) containsPasswordForName: (NSString*) aName andService: (NSString*) aService;
– (void) removePasswordForName: (NSString*) aName andService: (NSString*) aService;
IS there anyone that can make me a SIMPLE cocoa safari web app (using WebKit) – All I need it to do is load a predesignated URL. If someone could do the code, I am sure it would take ten minutes or less. I have tried every tutorial on the Web. All I need is the code – with comments on where to add/change the URL. I have one working where I push a button and it loads a URL – but I want the URL to load upon app launch.
Please help or direct me to someone if you have the time.
Thank You – David
PS Found you on a Blog