I’ve been having some “fun” with my new Mac Pro. In order for me to be able to use it for my daily work I need to be able to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server instance from the Rails app I’m working on at my day job. Normally this is just a simple matter …
Category Archives: Programming
Windows Live compression update
I had a bit of time yesturday to spend working on the Windows Live compression reverse engineering. I successfully decompressed around 20 bytes. The previous record was 2 bytes 😉 There are two parts to the compression. First is the compressed data and the second is pointers back into decompressed data. The compressed data is …
PSMTabBarControl and Interface Builder 3.0
For one of the projects I’m working on I needed a nice looking tab bar control. Under previous versions of Mac OS X I used the PSMTabBarControl. The control is nicely integrated into Interface Builder 2.0, but I no longer have IB 2.0 installed as I’ve upgraded to more recent versions of XCode. I’ve done …
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After a bit of playing about I’ve got my water level sensor working 🙂 I’m using Munin to log the data coming back from the unit attached to the sensor. The unit is overkill for my needs, but since I had it lying about here and I didn’t want to spend anything to do this job …
Windows Live Mail
Just a quick note to let everybody know that I’m making good progress reverse engineering the Windows Live Mail protocol. With the help of a couple of other people I’ve managed to determine the nature of the compression used on the message data. We’ve successfully managed to build the decompression table and I’m now working …
Weird characters in the previous post
Something really strange happened in the previous post. There were these weird characters appearing in the text. From what I can see it is WebKit trying to be helpful and create non-breaking spaces. Unfortunately rather than insert a good old it is inserting 0xA0 characters. I’ve just added some code to look for these …
WebView woes
I have been working on a little blog posting app for my wife for some time called BlogThing. The first version worked well enough that I released it for download from the Automagic Software site. It used some pretty nasty stuff that iterated over the chunks in an NSAttributedString, and while it worked pretty well …
Come and get it
The Leopard version of my HTTPMail plugin for Mail can be downloaded from here. Please note that as with any first release with a new version of OS X things may not be as stable as I would like. It works on my machine 😉 I have updated the documentation to show screen shots from …
I’ve been using darcs as my version control software of choice for quite a while now, but unfortunately I’m having trouble using it with dreamhost 🙁 I’ve looked about on the web for anybody who has successfully created public repositories on dreamhost, but all I can find is people asking how to do it. Since …
ccTrayRb is now a rubyforge project
My first rubyforge project 🙂Go to http://rubyforge.org/projects/cctrayrb/ for the latest version of ccTrayRb from now on.