More progress on the HP48GX emulator for the iPhone

I had a bit more of a play with the emulator code tonight and fixed up a few little glitches.  I also changed the color of the emulation screen to look more like the real thing πŸ™‚  Now off to bed!  It also looks like it is OK to distribute the ROM file as apparently …

A HP48GX emulator for the iPhone and iPod Touch

I have just released the source to a HP48GX emulator for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s a very rough port of x48 to the iPhone, but it works πŸ™‚  There is the occasional screen glitch and I’m not too happy with the screen buffer code.  Something else that is a bit annoying is that it appears that compiling in Debug mode to run on the device does not work.  It looks like one of the case statements in the x48 emulation code is too big to be compiled for ARM under gcc.  I had a quick look at using the LLVM compiler but it didn’t seem to like it. The code can be downloaded from  …

Windows Live compression update

I had a bit of time yesturday to spend working on the Windows Live compression reverse engineering.  I successfully decompressed around 20 bytes.  The previous record was 2 bytes πŸ˜‰  There are two parts to the compression.  First is the compressed data and the second is pointers back into decompressed data.  The compressed data is …

PSMTabBarControl and Interface Builder 3.0

For one of the projects I’m working on I needed a nice looking tab bar control.  Under previous versions of Mac OS X I used the PSMTabBarControl.  The control is nicely integrated into Interface Builder 2.0, but I no longer have IB 2.0 installed as I’ve upgraded to more recent versions of XCode.  I’ve done …

Windows Live Mail

Just a quick note to let everybody know that I’m making good progress reverse engineering the Windows Live Mail protocol.  With the help of a couple of other people I’ve managed to determine the nature of the compression used on the message data.  We’ve successfully managed to build the decompression table and I’m now working …

Weird characters in the previous post

Something really strange happened in the previous post.  There were these weird characters appearing in the text.  From what I can see it is WebKit trying to be helpful and create non-breaking spaces.  Unfortunately rather than insert a good old   it is inserting 0xA0 characters.  I’ve just added some code to look for these …