HTTPMail Plugin and Leopard

Tonight I’ve had some success with getting the plugin working under Leopard. It still isn’t ready for public consumption, however it is coming along nicely. Currently if a httpmail account is already configured it will connect to the Hotmail servers and successfully download the messages. Unfortunately sub-folders aren’t quite working yet, nor is creation of …

OSX 10.5, Time Machine and Linux shared drived

I’ve been playing with Leopard over the last couple of days and just now figured out how to get Time Machine to work with unsupported shared drives (such as those shared by netatalk). defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 What this seems to do is to create a sparse disk image on the shared drive, then …

Net access

I’m going to be off the net for the next couple of weeks πŸ™<vader class=“starwars-episode-three, padme-is-dead”>NOOOOOOOOOOOO!</vader>We’re moving into our new house in a couple of days and since the previous owners moved their phone to a rival phone provider it is going to take at least 10 days to get it all sorted out again.  …

Cocoa WebKit

I’ve been playing with the Cocoa WebKit over the last week or so and have rewritten my blogThing application to use it.  So far I’m quite pleased with the way things are coming along πŸ™‚It lets me do some very interesting things such as paste in formatted text from XCode////  DPKeychain.h//  iSpeak////  Created by Daniel …

CruiseControlRb tray icon for Linux

We installed CruiseControlRb at work recently and we’re all really enjoying it πŸ™‚ The web interface works really nicely, but I wanted more. Under Windows there is a really neat little tool called cctray which shows the status of your build in the system tray. I did a bit of searching about the net and …