As many people are aware Apple released Mac OS X 10.5.6 yesterday. Unfortunately this broke the HttpMail plugin 🙁 After a little bit of poking around I found and fixed the problem. The result is a new release of the plugin 1.53.
Head on over to my downloads site at
Now, for a status report on Windows Live Mail reverse engineering. I am still making progress. I’m not getting as much time to work on it as I would like these days due to having two small children 😉 If anybody wants to donate a copy of the Hex-Rays decompiler then I imagine things would progress much faster 😉
Thanks so much. Worked like a charm. Thanks for the quick fix.
Thank you so much for making and maintaining this plug-in, it works great and I’m sure I’m one of many that appreciate your work!
Thanks again,
Everything works fine again
Thanks again,
should i just use the 1.52 if i don’t plan to upgrade it?
Wow … thanks so much for the rapid fix Daniel. Much appreciated!
Thanks a lot 😀
Do you have a donation site / account?
Let’s each give what we can to this guy rather then to MS.
It’s $20.00 for Hotmail Plus, or same amount to someone who has supported us for all this time!
Amazing! Thanks so much!
Thanks Daniel!
I too would be happy to leave a donation…
But not so sure it would cover the cost of the Hex-Rays decompiler at USD$2299 for a single user license!!!
Set up a PayPal donation link and funds might come trickling in.
Your work is appreciated by many…
Thanks again. Wow, everytime I come to this website, I find good news or some awesome software to download.
Thanks a lot Daniel.
Wow – many thanks. That was a super-quick fix.
keep up the great work.
You make our lives a lot easier ;-)!
Thank you very very much!
Thank you very very much!
You make our lives a lot easier!
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Ð¥Ð¾Ñ€Ð¾ÑˆÐ°Ñ ÑтатьÑÑ, очень понравилаÑÑŒ!
Thanks very much for the quick fix! Brilliant – super-useful stuff.
I don’t know why I am still using Hotmail, I guess it’s because I am lazy to switch and because of Daniel making it work for me.
Muchas Gracias!! for all your work. Works great for me. happy holidays
My man!!!!,
I really appreciate you making this plug-ins for us
Since a few days i couldn’t get hotmail mail into my Mail (on Apple). first i thought “maybe it will solve itself,
then i thought about the plugin i have installed,
Thank god i looked over here, and now i have my hotmail mail back!!!!
Keep up the good work man!!
i always have the 1.52 version indicated in safari however i downloaded the 1.53.
Since the day of the download, a few dys ago, i didn’t receive any message.
Wht’s the way to correctly update httmail from 1.52 to 1.53?
Just bought a new macbook pro and installed the new v1.53 http plug-in. Unfortunately when going into mail it does not show HTTPMail in the Account Type selections but only POP, etc. Can anyone help.
Daniel, once again thank you so much for maintaining this plug-in up to date. Works great.
I have a account — do I change the server to Thanks
I dunno if this helps at all, but the Webmail extension for Thunderbird works on at least retrieving mail from hotmail (even if HTTPmail can’t do it). I have no idea how, but at least its possible.
Hi Daniel, Thanks for this plugin, although I am not able to send emails using my httpmail account. This is the error I am getting:
***-[NSURL initWithString:relativeToURL:]: nil string parameter
Please contact me if you need more information to fix this issue.
i don’t think its working… i got the account but its not retrieving my emails…
Yes, I think this has stopped working again… am on OSX 10.5.6 and 1.5.3 of the plugin since its release. Suddenly today sending, followed by retrieval, of email from hotmail stopped working. This is a great plugin so hope you keep it up…
… and it’s working again! Must be problems on MSFT’s end.
hi there
i’m getting the same problem
got a brand new macbook pro 10.5.6 and http plugin 1.53 and get following error when i try to send something.
***-[NSURL initWithString:relativeToURL:]: nil string parameter
and do not know why- read several threads but do not know what to do!
please help!
so is it working for others? i tried again today and its still not working…
geoffrey / johann
just figured out how it works again. at least at my macbookpro…
account information:
..advanced settings
use ssl
use password and username
and use default ports i.e. 25, 465 etc
hope it works now..
Hi guys, i just bought a mac air a few days ago after being a pc user for like 10 years, i downloaded this plugin but i can only send messages, i cannot receive any messages 🙁
i downloaded the thunderbird app, i got it to work after a few hours messing with it but i do not like it…
any ideas on what to do so i could receive messages?
After installing the fixed httpmail plugin for Leopard Mail now frequently (but not constantly) uses a majority of the CPU. It makes watching videos impossible. I have to quit mail.
Any ideas what this could be?
I’m using the plugin now for couple of months, but a week ago I did not receive any mail anymore…. I send messages, but I dont receive any..
Any ideas what this could be?
Need a copy of the decompiler? Mail me.
Hi. I just successfully installed your plugin but I’m able to send but not receive mails. Any suggestions? I got my e-mail on 2003. I’m using 10.5.6. Any help would be great!
I am getting an error that the site is suspended when clicking on the download link. Anyone else had this problem??
I tried downloading your latest htpp plugin for MAC OS X 10.5.6 but it takes me to a site that’s no longer active. Could you indicate how else can I get to it? I truly need it. And…many thanks for what you do; it is a real life saver!
Thank you so much:)
It seems some people have the same error as me, but i havnt found an answer upon know, anyone an idea how to be able to receive mails and not only to be able to send them?
Unfortunately the 1.53 plugin is not working for me. HTTPMail is not listed on the list of account types. I just upgraded to Leopard 10.5.6, I am a hotmail plus subscriber, I’m on a MacBook Pro Intel 2.33 GHz. In desperation I tried adding my hotmail account under POP account type by listing incoming mail server as and outgoing as smtp, this isn’t working either. Ugh – I have been on hotmail for 9 yrs but appears to be time for gmail.
I just switched to gmail! There’s tons of benefits of gmail over hotmail and you can forward hotmail to make the transition easier. Any of us still using hotmail on a mac are probably 40+. We’re savvy enough to be on a mac but its time to dump hotmail. Gmail eliminates the need for MacMail, Outlook, etc. Thank you Daniel for your help over the years!
Yep ik works fine again Thanks a lot! This is how the web should always work! 🙂
hey daniel 🙂 i just downloaded plugin 1.53 but httpmail is not listed in the account types list. i use mac os x version 10.5.6. would you (or anybody else) please be so kind to tell me what i’ve done wrong or what i do have to do, that httpmail is going to be shown up in the account type list? please 🙂
Ok I am one of those 40 something that is still using hotmail on my Mac. How did you get all of your hotmail folders into gmail without forwarding each of them (that was the apple store suggestion). Thanks for any help.
worked like a charm after I deleted the old HTTPMail folder and rebooted….
After I upgraded to 5.6 my hotmail crapped out on my apple mail, i was frustrated beyond belief.
thanks again for your help..
thanks so much, it just stopped working on me all of a sudden. Thanks to you and your hard work, it works again.
regards Chris
Like all the other before me, MANY thanks for this!
just installed HHTPmail plugin, am using 10.5.6. Anyone know why I keep getting the message ‘bad password’ when I try to get my mail? I know it is the correct password?
Hi just to say thank you so so much for making this- it’s fantastic! I thought I had no chance of getting hotmail on my Mail application after many failed attempts.